Jean-Baptiste Caron

Verre soufflé




Il s’agit d’une vitre dont la surface a été altérée d’étranges formes qui évoquent des impacts dans notre imaginaire. Mais il s’agit simplement de moulages de souffles d’air incrustés dans la vitre comme si le verre s’était déformé par la chaleur de la respiration du regardeur curieux, voulant observer au-delà.



It’s about showcase whose surface has been altered. It is impacted with strange shapes that evoke first in our imaginary fossils of ancestral rocks or shells. The urban walker approaching it, can almost believe that his breath itself has pushed the glass inward. Moreover, this is air blasts castings whose imprint was fixed in the glass. It’s a metaphorical gesture of a breath that will cross all the objects presented, opening another door to the works; to show that exhibition is played as much between and through them.